Using ArgumentCaptor in Mockito for Effective Java Testing

Vicksheet Shanbhag
2 min readMar 19, 2023


Mockito is a popular Java mocking framework that allows developers to create mock objects for testing. One of the powerful features of Mockito is ArgumentCaptor, which can be used to capture arguments passed to a method during testing. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at ArgumentCaptor and how it can be used in Mockito.

What is ArgumentCaptor?

ArgumentCaptor is a class in the Mockito framework that captures the arguments passed to a method during testing. This is particularly useful when you want to test the behavior of a method that takes an argument that is difficult or impossible to create manually.

For example, let’s say you have a method that generates a random number and uses it to perform some calculation:

public int performCalculation(int randomNumber) {
return randomNumber * 10;

In order to test this method, you need to pass in a random number. However, generating a random number manually for testing purposes is not a good idea, as it can lead to non-deterministic test results. Instead, you can use ArgumentCaptor to capture the random number generated by the method during testing.

Using ArgumentCaptor

To use ArgumentCaptor, you need to create an instance of the class and pass it as an argument to the Mockito.when() method. Then, you can use the getValue() method to retrieve the argument passed to the method during testing.

Here’s an example of how to use ArgumentCaptor to test the performCalculation() method from earlier:

public void testPerformCalculation() {
// Create an ArgumentCaptor for the randomNumber parameter
ArgumentCaptor<Integer> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class);

// Mock the class that contains the performCalculation() method
MyClass myClassMock = mock(MyClass.class);

// Call the performCalculation() method with a random number

// Use the ArgumentCaptor to capture the randomNumber parameter

// Assert that the captured value is equal to the expected value
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(42), captor.getValue());

In this example, we create an instance of ArgumentCaptor for the randomNumber parameter and pass it to the verify() method. Then, we call the performCalculation() method with a random number and use the ArgumentCaptor to capture the randomNumber parameter. Finally, we use assertEquals() to compare the captured value with the expected value.


ArgumentCaptor is a powerful feature of the Mockito framework that can help you test the behavior of methods that take difficult or impossible to create arguments. By capturing the arguments passed to a method during testing, you can ensure that your tests are reliable and deterministic. If you’re using Mockito for your Java testing, be sure to check out ArgumentCaptor!



Vicksheet Shanbhag
Vicksheet Shanbhag

Written by Vicksheet Shanbhag

I am a Software Developer and currently work as a Full Stack Developer. I like to research about new technologies and share any knowledge or tips that can help.

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